26th March 2019
WOD WOD, March 27, 2019
Strong Medicine
That time of the week that we go ALL IN
Extended Back Squat prep
Back Squat (Weight)
Every 3MOM x 5 Sets
5 x Back Squats @ Build to a heavy set of 5 Reps
*I want set 5 to be the heaviest – be Sharpe with load increases
*Start at 40 % 1RM
THEN 50% 60 % 70 % 80-85% ( Guide )
*DONT miss today
Option : 10 x Back Rack lunges / Box Squats
Accessory finisher – Booty Building
3 Sets for quality and size
100m Heavy KB Farmers Carry
10 x DB Box Step Ups alternating legs
REST 2 MINUTES / or, Buddy up go R4R