19th March 2019
WOD WOD, March 20, 2019
Mork n Mindy
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 17 Minutes
400m Run
20 x DB HANG snatch 22.5/15kg ( 5/5/5/5 )
40 x Dubz
10 x DB SL Box Step Up 22.5/15kg ( open standard )
100m SA DB farmers carry 22.5/15kg
*Use the same DB for everything
DB : Reduce Load
Dubz : 20 or 80 x singles
10-12 Minutes of continous flow at conversational pace
10 x Tempo RIng Rows
30 x Seconds Dubz play
50 m x DB overhead carry right
50m x DB overhead Carry left
Scatter gym and keep it light / fun