17th March 2020
WOD WOD, March 18, 2020
Sprint Finish
Metcon (Weight)
Squat clean + FS Combo
Set 1: 1+5
Set 2: 2+4
Set 3: 3+3
Set 4: 4+2
Set 5: 5+1
Set 6: 6+0
Weight: 60/40ish
*If you are not confident with the clean, opt for a power clean into front squat
Metcon (Time)
Sprint Finish
10 x DB 2 Shoulder
20 x Box Jump Overs
30 x Wall Ball
400m x SPRINT
*Waves to leave every 2 minutes
RX 55/35kg
Rx + 65/45kg
DB : Reduce Load
BJ : Step Up and Over
WB : Reduce Load / Height / Distance