23rd June 2020
WOD WOD, June 24, 2020
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Machine WOD felacio
In Teams of 3, AMRAP in 25
120/100 cal bike
40 x Box Jump Step Down
20 x Strict HSPU / Open Standard
10 x Rope Climb
*Bike minimum effort 45 sec
RX : Box : 30/24", Rope – Roof
*Share reps as pleased
RX : Box : 30/24", Rope – Roof
*Share reps as pleased
FOCUS: Team work, aerobic/muscular endurance
POST WOD – Recovery
A) 400m Team Walk (if no rain)
5/ side T spine rotation
10 x Cat Cow
5/side Paused rocking adductor
10 x Deadbug
REST 60 x 2 sets
A) 400m Team Walk (if no rain)
5/ side T spine rotation
10 x Cat Cow
5/side Paused rocking adductor
10 x Deadbug
REST 60 x 2 sets
P1: Bike
P2: Step ups
P3: Plank/HS hold/Rope pull