11th June 2018
WOD WOD, June 12, 2018
Tuesday Chipolte
Metcon (Time)
For time : 22 Minute cap
50 x HR Push Ups
50 x Toes 2 Bar
50 x Box Jump Over 24/20"
50 x KB Swings 20/12kg
50 x KB SA Overhead reverse lunges 20/12kg( 25 per arm in sets of 5 )
50 x Burpees……
*Same KB must be used for swings and for lunges – proceed with caution
RX PLUS : HSPU / 24/16kg KB
Push Ups : worm
T2B : Kipping knee raise / V up / lemon squeeze / ab mat
Box Jump : Step Up
KB Swing : Reduce Load
Lunge : Reduce load / Front rack
Aim not to get bogged down on 1 particular movement. 300 reps in a workout is not a sprint… break up early to make up ground as you go.
Stretch Time
30 Second Reverse grip passive hang
30 Second scap push ups from plank
5 x Alternating perfect stretch lunges p/side – Jumping
C) 1 Round of WOD x 5 Reps :
5 x Push Ups
5 x Strict knee Raises
5 x Box Jumps
5 x KB Swings
5 x SA KB Overhead reverse lunges per arm
5 x Burpees