8th July 2019
WOD WOD, July 9, 2019
Man v Machine
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM x 24 : 4 Sets
30 Seconds work / 30 Seconds rest
Min 1 : # cal bike
Min 2 : max dubz in 30
Min 3 : # cal Row
Min 4 : 12 x DB box Step Overs
Min 5 : # cal ski
Min 6 : 30 Second KB Rack Hold
DB : 22.5/15kg x 3
KB : 24/16kg x 2
Box 20"
* Test your self with sustained efforts on each machine 😉
*Score total Dubz
A) Hindshaw lactate tolerance workout:
5 rounds
20 second bent over row fast
20 second uprght static hold with plate
20 second bent over row slow
no rest
*10/5kg max
EMOM 5 :
40/ 20 Plank