New Blog

8th July 2018

WOD WOD, July 9, 2018

Muscle Beach Mondays
From little things big things grow! Functional body building at its best today crew – balance is everything.

A) Extended spiderman flow piece
B) 3 Sets of
5 x Pause Scap Pull Ups
10 x Baby Position shoulder taps
10m x Banded Glute monster walk
C) Movement standards
20 Minute Open Cap in pairs

Goal is to achieve 4-5 Sets each

1. Max Unbroken set of BW strict Pull Ups – any grip
2. 40 Second weighted Plank hold + heavy plate
3. 8 P/side KB Farmers hold, front foot elevated lunges
4. 8 P / side SA DB Rows

*Movement for movement – 1 work , 1 rest
*Take time, AMRAP for quality


Pull Ups :
5 x Pause banded / 10 x Tempo Ring Rows
Lunge : KB that allows quality reps

Get around the banter and small talk this session, focus on some precise movement 🙂

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for time – 5 minute cap

30m x Bear Crawl – No standard – Just crawl AFAP
20m KB Front Rack Carry 20/12kg x 2

RX PLUS : 24/16kg

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