2nd July 2019
WOD WOD, July 3, 2019
Mid Week B-ROW Sess
Close Grip Bench Press (Weight)
E2:30M x 5 Sets :
5 x Tempo Close Grip Bench @ 70 %
40m Single Sided Farmers Carry P/side ( Load up )
TEMPO : 3-1-1-1
*Weight stays the same for all 5 sets
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In teams of 3 : "Pull / Push"
A1) AMRAP 15 Minutes:
-Row for calories
A2 ) AMRAP 5 Minutes :
-Bench Press for reps
Rx : 50/30kg
RX +60/40kg
*Score = Row cals + Bench Reps combined
*No Rest between A1) / A2)
Bench : 40/20kg
Pec / front delt / lat release
B) In pairs – Alt tabata:
Partner 1 – Row
Partner 2 – Med ball pec hold