21st July 2019
WOD WOD, July 22, 2019
Party Pump Mondays
Close Grip Bench Press (Weight)
E3M x 5 Sets :
4 x Close Grip Bench @ 75 %
20m Big Handles Farmers Carries
*Working weight remains the same across all sets
*Load up the Handles !
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time:
20 DU
10 DB shoulder to overhead (5/5)
20 DU
10 Alt DB snatch
20 DU
10 DB hang clean and jerk (5/5)
1min rest
Rx : 22.5/15kg
Reduce DB Load
10 x Dubz per round / 40 x single skips
B) Shoulder act : Taps / Crawls / Hangs