27th January 2020
WOD WOD, January 28, 2020
Tuesday Thrills
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM 20 (4 sets)
Min 1: 18/15 cal row
Min 2: Rest
Min 3: 12 T2B
Min 4: 12 Burpees
Min 5: Rest
Rx+ 21/18 Row
*50sec cap on row
*All start on rower
SCORE: Total reps (168/156 if you did them all)
Row: 15/12 cals or timecap
Burpee : Nurpee
TTB: highbar/lowbar, straight leg raise, sit up
Core / Stability
Midline finisher
Alt side planks
20sec on/20sec off x 4 each
Plenty of time to invest into recovery today
b) EMOM x 9 mins ( 3 rounds increasing pace )
1. 30 Second row – no feet straps
2 .6 x p /side x light DB high pulls
3. 5 x scap pull ups / 5 x beat swings / 5 x kipping leg raises