23rd January 2020
WOD WOD, January 24, 2020
Friday Frothers
Romanian Deadlift (Weight)
E4MOM x 3 Sets
MIn 1 : 6 x BB RDL @ 3011
Min 2 : 5-8 x Strict HSPU
Min 3 : 35 Second Hollow hold / Plank
Min 4 ; REST
*RDL slightly heavier then 2 weeks ago
*HSPU : Open standard
*TEMPO is key
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
2 sets for time
Power Clean
REST 10mins – walk 400m in this time
Rx: 52.5/35kg
*4 min cap per round = GO TIME
*Record each round individually for comparison
*18 min total time cap
BB : Reduce to load that you can move with speed, ideally unbroken
Burpee : If you CAN NOT do this amount of burpees w/out stopping – Nurpees
10 x scap push ups from quadruped position
10 x shoulder taps from quadruped position
10 x Banded Glute bridges
10 x Banded RDL with no load ( hands-on thighs )
*Leave band on for entire w/up