22nd January 2020
WOD WOD, January 23, 2020
Newlyn Street carryathlon
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 20 w/ a partner
1600m run (2x400m each)
200m Deadball carry (50m blocks each)
200 DU (50 each)
200m FR carry (50m blocks each)
Both carries walk together
Rx Dball 55/35
Rx KB 20/12kg
Run: Row 400m blocks
Dball: Reduce load
DU: 75 Singles
KB: Reduce load
Midline / Pchain Finisher w/buddy
8 x Wall Ball SL glute bridge p/side
15sec x star plank OR side plank p/side
x 3 sets of each M4M
b) skip prep
30sec x singles
30sec x forward / backward singles
30sec x side 2 side singles
30sec x doubles