20th February 2020
WOD WOD, February 21, 2020
Friday @ The Bar
Snatch (Weight)
Power Clean (Weight)
Pure Weightlifting Part B
Clean work
E90sec x5
Clean work
E90sec x5
5×4 TnG Power cleans 50-70%
FOCUS: Cycling the bar smoothly with no stops
SCORE: Weight
Pure Weightlifting Part C
E90sec x5
2 Snatch high pulls (with same PC weight)
FOCUS: Leg drive NOT arm pull
SCORE: Weight
Snatch work
1 Snatch pull + Hip snatch 40-50%
straight into
1 Snatch pull + hang snatch 45-55%
straight into
1 Snatch pull + snatch 50-60%
FOCUS: Catch position & extensions over weight
SCORE: Last EMOM’s weight
*If you dont like snatches or are scared of them,
today is the day to break that. Even if it means working
with an empty bar.
Let’s build some tech and confidence!