20th February 2019
WOD WOD, February 21, 2019
Tailpipe gone mad
Gotta go all in on this one crew
Metcon (Distance)
In Teams of 3 : AMMAP in 23 Minutes
Ski / Row for Meters
P1 : Ski / row 200/160m
P2 : Rack hold for as long as it takes to ski / row 20/12kg x 2
P3 : Full Rest
Ski into hold, hold into rest
, rest into ski
*Dont ski until racks set
* 10 team burpees if rack is broken while skiing
RX PLUS : 250/200m row / ski, 24/16kg bells
Post WOD self love – Much needed!
15 minutes of mixing it up with recovery protocols
Good time to chat about recovery through the open and to help educate about