11th February 2020
WOD WOD, February 12, 2020
Hump day Rump day WK 5
Back Squat (Weight)
4×4 @ 55%
*1sec pause each rep
*Strict %
*after each set perform 30sec hollow hold (1 leg out only)
Accessorize Yo Life
Groups of 3
Groups of 3
Min 1: 5-8 Strict C2B/PU/banded PU
Min 2: 6-10 Deficit push ups (20kg plates)
Min 3: 5-8 seated DB strict press (2 DB’s)
1min rest/transition
Min 1: 6-10 Pause ring rows
MIn 2: 20 banded tricep push downs
Min 3: 5-8 Double KB power rows
*Try to aim for more reps than 2 weeks ago or the
new progressions
* split class to both EMOMs then swap (if it’s busy)
Banded walks 10 step fwd/back
10 Banded squats with tempo
10 Banded psoas march with pause
30sec Glute activation each side
Bankded walks 10 step sideways
10 Banded squats with tempo
20 Banded psoas march with pause