8th December 2019
WOD WOD, December 9, 2019
Mad Monday
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 3 : AMRAP 18 – R4R4R
12/9cal bike
10m DB FR lunge R
10m DB FR Lunge L
*No singles in the TTB
Rx 22.5/15
*Aim is 5-6 rounds each
Bike: 45sec max
Lunge: Reduce load
TTB: Straight leg raise
Holds and Carries
For QUALITY, not time, in same teams complete
600m with
Deadball bearhug carry
KB famers carry
Alt every 50m (4 total sets of each)
(400m mark and back then 200m mark and back)
All holds must be 50m unbroken
40on/20off x3
BW Lunge
R1: Scap pull ups
R2: Beat swing (sets of 10)
R3: Straight leg raise (sets of 5)