17th December 2019
WOD WOD, December 18, 2019
Back Squat (Weight)
E3M x5 – 70-80%
*5mins to work upto working weight then start clock
Min 1: 2 reps
Min 2: 4 reps
Min 3: 6 reps
Min 4: 4 reps
Min 5: 2 reps
*5mins to work upto working weight then start clock
Min 1: 2 reps
Min 2: 4 reps
Min 3: 6 reps
Min 4: 4 reps
Min 5: 2 reps
Metcon (Distance)
30/30 x 15 sets
Row for metres
Interval pace : 2km TT average split ie: 1.45/500
*This is repeatable.. if you cant hold split pace, back it off!
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
35 DU
10 KB swings 24/16
5 Wall balls
Rx+ 32/24 (must do Rx standards)
*Increase by 5 wall balls each round
*Score is number of total wall ball
*Drop your bell and we drop you 😉
DU: Same rep for singles
Swings: Reduce load/Russian
WB: Reduce height/weight or goblet squat with ball
KB Deadlift/Russian swing/SDHP
Spiderman lunge/Banded squat/Medball banded squat