26th August 2018
WOD WOD, August 27, 2018
The return of Tail Pipe
Deadlift (Weight)
Every 2.30 x 8 Sets
Set 1 : 5 Reps @ 55 %
Set 2 : 3 Reps @ 65 %
Set 3 : 3 Reps @ 75 %
Set 4/5/6/7/8 : 2 Reps @ 85-87 % 1RM ( Go by Feel )
*Bars are reset at the bottom of each lift
*Tech should be IMPECCABLE
*In between each set – TALK SMACK WITH RANDOMS ! Lots of rest but necessary at these percentages
Tail Pipe (Time)
In Teams of 2, 3 Rounds each for time
Row 250m
*Resting buddy holds 2 x 24/16kg Kettleells in front rack
*Rower must be reset each interval
*FR – Knuckles must be touching / elbows on belly
*Rower must stop if rack is broken
B) In pairs ( WOD pairs ) 2 Rounds each
P1 : Row 250/200 m – No Foot Straps
P2 : Rotate between :
5 x Sumo stance incowrm walk outs
10 x Lunge + Rotation
C) Glutes