1st August 2019
WOD WOD, August 2, 2019
Fruity Fridays
A) Barbell Flow P/C
Hang Power Clean (Weight)
Barbell cycling & Pressing prep
E3M x5
1 Power clean + 2 hang power cleans
*Flowing movement rather than too heavy & stops
*After each set complete 5/5 KB Press (Standing & Light)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 4 mins x 3
Buy in: 10 Power cleans
Then rounds of
9 Box jumps
1min rest after each AMRAP
* Round 2 is 6 HSPU & 6 Box jumps
* Round 3 is 3 HSPU & 3 Box jumps
Rx 60/40
PC: Reduce load although not too much
HSPU: Open standard/ Ab mats/ L-sit DB/KB pressing
BJ: Step ups