11th August 2019
WOD WOD, August 12, 2019
Booty Burn
Metcon (Weight)
Squat Volume :
15mins to find heavy set – max 5 attempts
FS + BS Combo
7 Front squats straight into 13 Back squats
Metcon (Time)
For time: "Row Burpee"
500m Row
30 Bar Facing Burpees
*New wave on rowers ever 3mins
*No time cap
3 sets/10mins – with a buddy M4M
6/6 Bulgarian split squats BW
15 Banded pull aparts
*If unable to complete in class, stick back after class !
B) Barbell Flow: RDL / Front Squat / Back Squat / Good Morning
*Use the empty bar to find optimal positioning / ROM