14th April 2019
WOD WOD, April 15, 2019
April Benchmark – “Dianne”
In Pairs – 15-20 minutes to work through 4 movements
1) 10m Deadball bear hug Walking lunge – moderate
2) 8 x DB or KB Half kneeling DB Press
3) 30 Second Low ring Support – Aggresive Hollow
4) 8 x DB Rows per side – no bench – new set up
1 Person works at a time in order of movement
Dont over do – Use as prep for Dianne , dont steel from Dianne
2 rounds – maximum 3
Diane (Time)
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups
10 Minute cap finished or not
If you get her done early – support everyone until the very last rep
Barbell : 82.5/50kg, 70/35kg or less ( guide )
HSPU : 1 x Abmat / Open Standard / Push Ups
One of the shorter more intense girls, sure to leave a taste in your mouth regardless of scaling alternatives… if you get it right.
Plenty of time spent priming the body so we can go all in on this beauty!
Go hard and set / hold the standard people !