September 7, 2020

Mums Always Right

MUMS ALWAYS RIGHT! I used to think that the pinnacle of life was staying up late, eating bad food and doing whatever Mum would tell me not to do. Fast forward and I quickly discovered this was not the pinnacle of life and Mum was right. Mum’s are always right. So what did Mum say?…

September 3, 2020

WOD WOD, September 4, 2020

Friday Warm-up 30sec on/30sec off 1- Ski 2- Step ups 3- Sit ups 4- Plank 5- 100m Run *start everyone at different stations Metcon (Calories) EMOM 24 1- 45sec ski (cals) 2- 12-20 Step ups (BW) 3- 5-15 Toes to rings 4- 45sec Dball hold 5- 150m Run 6- Rest Rx 55/35 SCORE: Cals INTENT:…

September 2, 2020

WOD WOD, September 3, 2020

Thursday Warm-up 5min general flow then The CP barbell special Power Snatch (Weight) Power snatch E90sec x10 Sets 1-5: 2 reps @ 50% Sets 6-10: 1 rep, build upto medium-heavy Power Clean and Split Jerk (Weight) Power clean and jerk E90sec x10 Sets 1-5: 2 reps @ 50% Sets 6-10: 1 rep, build upto medium-heavy…

September 2, 2020

Olympic Weightlifting WOD, September 3, 2020

Cycle 9: Traditional Wk 4 Snatch (Weight) E90sec x10 1st 5: 2 @ 50% 2nd 5: build up singles Clean and Jerk (Weight) E90sec x10 1st 5: 2 @ 50% 2nd 5: build up singles Front Squat (Weight) E2M x6 Heavy double Snatch Pull (Weight) 3 pos pause Sn DL E2M x6 2 @ 100%Sn…

September 1, 2020

WOD WOD, September 2, 2020

Wednesday Warm-up 2 sets (up and down gym) 30sec glute activation (set 1 R, set 2 L) Lunge with roation Extended inch worm walk out Duck walk (heels up if you need) Bear crawl Front Squat (Weight) INTENT: Push the squats as this is the main part Strength day FS + BS Combo Wk 4…