Mums Always Right
MUMS ALWAYS RIGHT! I used to think that the pinnacle of life was staying up late, eating bad food and doing whatever Mum would tell me not to do. Fast forward and I quickly discovered this was not the pinnacle of life and Mum was right. Mum’s are always right. So what did Mum say?…
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, September 4, 2020
Friday Warm-up 30sec on/30sec off 1- Ski 2- Step ups 3- Sit ups 4- Plank 5- 100m Run *start everyone at different stations Metcon (Calories) EMOM 24 1- 45sec ski (cals) 2- 12-20 Step ups (BW) 3- 5-15 Toes to rings 4- 45sec Dball hold 5- 150m Run 6- Rest Rx 55/35 SCORE: Cals INTENT:…
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, September 3, 2020
Thursday Warm-up 5min general flow then The CP barbell special Power Snatch (Weight) Power snatch E90sec x10 Sets 1-5: 2 reps @ 50% Sets 6-10: 1 rep, build upto medium-heavy Power Clean and Split Jerk (Weight) Power clean and jerk E90sec x10 Sets 1-5: 2 reps @ 50% Sets 6-10: 1 rep, build upto medium-heavy…
SEE EVENTOlympic Weightlifting WOD, September 3, 2020
Cycle 9: Traditional Wk 4 Snatch (Weight) E90sec x10 1st 5: 2 @ 50% 2nd 5: build up singles Clean and Jerk (Weight) E90sec x10 1st 5: 2 @ 50% 2nd 5: build up singles Front Squat (Weight) E2M x6 Heavy double Snatch Pull (Weight) 3 pos pause Sn DL E2M x6 2 @ 100%Sn…
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, September 2, 2020
Wednesday Warm-up 2 sets (up and down gym) 30sec glute activation (set 1 R, set 2 L) Lunge with roation Extended inch worm walk out Duck walk (heels up if you need) Bear crawl Front Squat (Weight) INTENT: Push the squats as this is the main part Strength day FS + BS Combo Wk 4…