New Blog

27th June 2019

Friday Feelzzz WOD, June 28, 2019

Friday Feelzzz goes to the Aus CrossFit Champs 🙂

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Workout 1 – In Pairs (R4R)

12 mins AMRAP

30 x Double Unders (do not increase each round)
3 x Power Clean – 50kg/35kg (reps increase by 3 each round e.g: 6,9,12,15,18…)


– 15 Doubles per round or 60 singles
– P/C 40/25 kgs or less

5 mins Rest between wod 1 & 2

Metcon (Time)
Workout 2 – In Pairs (R4R)

15 minutes to complete

Part A:

15-10-5 reps for time;

KB Deadlifts – 2x 32kg/24kg
Burpee Box Overs – 24/20 "

Part B:
Remaining time, perform:
1 RM Power Snatch


KB DL – decrease weight 24/16 kg or less
BBO – Step overs

Rest 5 mins between Wod 2 & 3

Power Snatch (1×1)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Workout 3 – In Pairs (share reps)

12 minute cap

Part A:

For time;
50 handstand push-ups
50 toes to bar
50 wall-balls – 20/14 lbs

Part B:
In remaining time;
Max calorie assault bike


Hspu – 1 or 2 abmats or pike hspu
T2b – knees 2 chest or v-ups
WB – scale weight

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