Friday Feelzzz WOD, July 12, 2019
For time (00:00 – 10:00)
60 Double Unders
10 Thrusters
60 Double Unders
20 Thrusters
60 Double Unders
30 Thrusters
Rx – 50/35
Scaled – 40/25kg or less and single skips x2
Remainder of time : Rest
5 Rounds for time (10:00-20:00)
20 Double Unders
10 T2B
Single skips x2
t2b – knees 2 chest, knee raises, v-ups or sit-ups
15 Minute Time Cap
Part A – In Pairs (Round for Round)
4 Rounds for Time:
8 Front rack Lunges
4 Bar facing Burpees
8 Front rack Lunges
4 Bar facing Burpees
4 Muscle-ups
Rx – 50/35 kg
Scaled – 40/25kg or less
M/up – 4 x Ring Rows + 4 x Push ups
This is a 15 min AMRAP ascending ladder
8 Cal A.Bike
8 KB snatch
12 Cal A.Bike
12 KB snatch
16 Cals
16 KBS
20 Cals
20 KBS
24 Cals
24 KBS
28 Cals
28 KBS
32 Cals
32 KBS
Rx – 24/16 kg
Scaling – 20/12 or less