New Blog

20th February 2020

Friday Feelzzz WOD, February 21, 2020

Friday Feelzzz at the bar 🙂

Metcon (Time)
Friday Feelzzz at the bar 🙂

From 0-15 mins

Work to a max of:

1 High Hang P.Snatch
1 Hang P.Snatch
1 P.Snatch

Rest 15-20 mins

From 20- 35 mins

Work to a max of:

1 High Hang P.Clean
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean

Rest 35-40 mins

From 40 mins

In Pairs – share however

60/50 Cal Assault Bike
60 Ring Dips
60 Russian Twists – 20/10 kg plate

Rest 1 min

50/40 Cal A.B
50 Ring Dips
50 Russian Twists

Rest 1 min

40/30 Cal A.B
40 Ring Dips
40 Russian Twists


Ring dips – box ring dips or box dips
R.Twists – lighter plate or no plate

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