26th March 2020
WOD WOD, March 27, 2020
Friday at the bar
Metcon (Time)
2 Sets
15 Squat jumps over bar
10 Clean and jerks
30 Pull ups
10 Clean and jerks
15 Squat jumps over bar
Repeat at 10min mark
*6min cap on first round
*18min cap total
Rx 50/35
Rx+ 60/40 & C2B
SCORE: Time for round 1 and round 2
Power Clean and Push Jerk (Weight)
Power Clean to Push Jerk max
Work upto heavy Power clean and jerk
*if you dont want to go heavy, dont, work some
extra technique under fatigue and encourage
the heavy hitters
*Power clean and push jerk/split jerk