New Blog

23rd July 2018

WOD WOD, July 24, 2018

Lunging into Tuesday like…
Bit of unilateral goodness to spice things up…

A) Foam Roll T Spine / Lats / Triceps

B) 2 Sets each side:

5 x SA KB Press
5 x SA KB Push Press
20m x KB Overhead Carry
10m Bear crawl

Shoulder Press (Weight)
Press Complex

Every 2:30 Minutes x 5 Sets :

3 x Strict Press
Super set
5 x Push Jerk

*Add load to heavy set for this complex

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 minute AMRAP

30 x Dubz
10 x SA KB Overhead lunges L 20/12kg
30 x Dubz
10 x SA KB Overhead lunges R 20/12kg KB
10 x Toes 2 Bar

RX PLUS : 24/16kg Bell


KB : Reduce load / Front Rack
Toes 2 Bar : Rings – Strict or kipping knee 2 chest
DUBZ : 15 reps / x 2 Singles

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