6th January 2020
WOD WOD, January 7, 2020
Tasty Tuesdays
Dip Strength – Choose 1, 1 only
Every 2: 00 x 5
5 x weighted dip – ( use boxes not rings )
5 x BW Dips
5 x Dip Negatives ( jump to top, slow lower )
10 x Paralette dips
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
4 RFT- 15 min hard cap
15/12 x T2B
50 x Dubz
10 x DB Box Step Ups 24/20"
2 Minutes rest
Rx 22.5/15kg x 1
*Track each round ( scored in WODIFY for consistency )
T2B : low / straight leg raise / 15 V up / 20 Ab mat sit ups
Dubz : 25, max in 45 seconds / 75 singles
BSU : Reduce weight / BW
Lacross Ball calve smash x 3 mins p/side
30 Seconds skipping – start singles, build-up to dubz
5 x Inchworm walkouts + push-ups
T2B progression: Scap PU / Kips Swing / Kip + leg raise