2nd December 2019
WOD WOD, December 3, 2019
Tuesday Tune Up
Yeah we back on that train, you know the one hehe
5x 30/30 Bike/ski
("resting" partner inchworm walkouts / Shoulder taps)
("resting" partner inchworm walkouts / Shoulder taps)
Metcon (Calories)
Teams of 3; E3M x 10 rounds
45sec Bike/Ski
*In rest complete: 30sec Press Grip OH BB hold @ 20/15kg
*Bike pace to stay the same for duration of round/s ie 65RPM all set very set
*If you get off the bike / ski, and are unable to move straight to the hold.. you have gone to hard on the bike – use this is a guide for pace also
BB: Lighter one or FR if shoulder issues
Flexibility / Mobility
Post wod stretch/foam roll
FR Lats, quads, Adductors
Couch stretch: 1min up/1min down p/side
Pigeon pose 2 mins p/side