13th August 2019
WOD WOD, August 14, 2019
Hump Day buddy Play
Hang Snatch (Weight)
E2M x 6 Sets:
3 x Snatch Pull
2 x Power Snatch
1 x Hang Snatch
*Build to 80-85 % P/ Snatch
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Team Chipper
15 Minute AMRAP
9 x Rope Climbs
18 x Power Snatch (must be sets of 3 each)
27 x Kipping HSPU (must be sets of 3 each)
RX : 50/35kg
RX PLUS : 60 / 40kg
Rope : AHAP / Floor Pulls ( 3:1)
P / snatch : Reduce Load
HSPU : Ab mat / Open standard / Push Ups
Any remaining time in session: Stretch with mates
10 x Cat-Cow
10 x Rocking Adductor
10 x Wrist Planches
10 x T spine rotations
10 x Lat Pulses
10 x Quadruped scap push-ups
B) Power Snatch Tech