22nd April 2019
WOD WOD, April 23, 2019
Double Dose
A BIG DAY – when strong is strong !
30sec on/30sec off x5 – Bike
3way hip stretch (30sec each pose)
3 rounds
30sec glute activation each side
5/5 KB strict press
10 glute band steps (squat every step)
Back Squat (Weight)
Every 3MOM x 5 Sets
Set 1 @ 40-50 % 1RM
Set 2 : 50-60% 1 RM
Set 3 : 60-70 % 1RM
Set 4 : 70-80 % 1RM
Set 5 : 80-90 % 1RM
Set 6: 90-95% 1RM
*must have a spotter (or 2) set 5 & 6
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 Minute Accessory Based AMRAP Finisher
100m KB Farmers Carry 20/12kg or less
12 x Front Rack Reverse Lunges
10m Handstand Walk OR 5 x Wall Walks