Chamber Fitness utilises principles that allow for long term progression, not a short term fix with a limited ceiling for growth.

Each day the workout is different, meaning you will continuously be presented with new challenges and a fresh serving of motivation.

The focus is on functionality of movement which is performed at an intensity that is relative to the individuals current capabilities. Yes, we all do the same workout of the day ( WOD ), but we are all different in many ways. Regardless of your experience or background, our expert coaching crew will help shape the workout for you to ensure that you are exposed to the most positive of stimulus and all movements are performed safely and efficiently.

Our goal is to make your life better not only inside the gym, but outside. Yes fitter, faster, stronger and leaner are all byproducts of training, but self esteem, confidence, energy levels and a positive mindset cannot be undervalued by any means.

One of the common misconceptions is that Functional Fitness is all “crash and bash” with technique thrown to the bottom of the priority pile. Once you step foot inside the Chamber, you will see for yourself how very different we are.

All classes are capped at 20 athletes with 2 coaches manning the floor. Quality, safety and community reign supreme at our gym.

From start to finish you will be coached through the entire session. All you have to do is rock up, do the work, let us do the thinking and the results will take care of themselves.