In a world that now thrives on chaos, performance metrics, and “to-do” lists, those who work in the corporate sector are under more pressure than ever. Unnecessary stress is the overriding emotion now attached that is filtering far beyond the immediate workspace and into the lives and homes of those exposed to this environment.

Over time, we have discovered that those who are being impacted on this level, place all priority on the result of there actions, rather than, spending time on themselves. In the long run, this is having such a negative impact that we wanted to do something about it.

Our “Reset and Reconnect” workshop is based on 3 pillars

1. Movement: Simply put, we are born to move. A dose of physical activity with a group of people on the same path has a profound impact not only on one’s mindset but also, general well being. We create a customized workout/scenario that is fully coached by the Owner of The Chamber, Chad Johnson, prepared for all levels and backgrounds in fitness. Movement is Medicine as they say and a key to setting the tone for our workshops. New friendships can be formed and all so workplace tension dissolved as we join to improve our mental and physical health together

2. Meditation: Mindfulness and stillness. To regroup thoughts, feelings and emotions through stillness and awareness – Led by meditation expert, Mathew Bruce. He will explain why and how to meditate so you can choose to adopt these tools after the session.

3. Breathwork : Through using the specialised breathing techniques, we can consciously take control of particular parts of our nervous system. This can have quite a profound effect of releasing stress. A majority of our mental stress carried in the workplace is a representation of the physical tension that is held in our bodies nervous system.

Our mission is to expose those who really do need it the most, to a better way of living and working. 

We truly believe that combining these 3 pillars will have a profound effect on each employee’s physical, mental and emotional well being which is then felt directly by all in the workplace by reducing stress, releasing endorphins and allowing all who participate to reconnect not only with themselves but with each other. Who knows – productivity may even lift a little as well 😉

Sessions run for 90 Minutes and are held at The Crossfit Chamber in Belmont. 

The breakdown is as follows :

0-10 : Intro ( Coach Chad )
10-20 : Team Warm up / Games
20-40 : Team workout
40-50 : Stretch / Flex / Grounding
50-60 : Intro ( Matt Bruce )
60-90 Meditation / Breathwork 

*We are more thAn happy to connect with all attendees at the conclusion of the workshop for as long as wanted and needed.

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