28th June 2018
WOD WOD, June 29, 2018
Weighted Pull-ups (Weight)
A) In a 10 minute open cap window, build to a heavy double strict pull up ( Any Grip )
B) Every 2.00 x 3 Sets
3 Reps @ 80 % of heavy double
*Record max / 80 % load
Every 2 Minutes x 7 Sets :
3-5 x Body weight Strict Pull Ups
3-5 x Pause Banded Pull Ups
Weighted Pull-ups (Weight)
Jackie (Time)
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups
Thruster : 15/8kg, Kettle bells, Goblet Squat , Air Squat
Pull Ups : 30 x Ring Rows
10 Minute cap ( Wave 2 to leave at 5 minutes on the running clock )
What a way to end the week ey, time to fly like the wind into the weekend !