WOD WOD, June 28, 2020
P1 :
90 Sec Machine increasing in pace/ round
R1 : 5 x Inchworm walk outs / 5 x Nurpees
R2: 5 x Prisoner RDL / 10 x Glute Bridge
2 Minutes on / 2 Minutes off x 3 sets:
6 x Deadball 2 Shoulder 65/45kg
Max Calories bike in time remaining
REST 4 Minutes
Block B) :
2 Minutes on / 2 Minutes off x 3 sets:
6-8 x Alt Single Arm Devil Press 22.5/15kg
Max Calories Ski erg in time remaining
*Bike / Ski Efforts: Aim to push hard, but, leave enough in the tank to sustain power output for the duration of the interval
**DB/DP: Choose a tough load, however, do not get bogged down on the reps, these are high output intervals so we need to move swiftly.
***Score = Total cals both machines
2 Sets
8/side Tall kneeling Palof Press 3111
30sec /side SA KB FR carry
30 sec FLR