29th July 2019
WOD WOD, July 30, 2019
Tuesday Breathaaaa
Metcon (Time)
Conditioning : Teams of 3 – Indian File
24min cap
24min cap
30/24cal Bike
30/24cal Row
30 Burpees
3min rest
(When last person finishes)
30 Burpees
30/24cal Row
30/24cal Bike
*2min cap on machines
*Must wait for person in front
before moving forward
Post WOD Pump
Post WOD chest pump
400m Medball pec walk with a buddy
*Change every 50m
*Hold the standard on the carry
Couch stretch (1min up, 1min down)
Groups of 3
40sec on/20sec off x 2
P1: Row
P2: Bike
P3; R1 Inchworm; R2 10 Nurpees