27th July 2018
WOD WOD, July 28, 2018
Fitter Faster Stronger Retest
Its been a hell of a journey crew. Well done to everyone for attacking this challenge head first.. congratulations… we have 1 last final push – destroy it !
FFS 2.0 (Time)
In teams of 2 for time / 27 Minute cap
1km row ( 85/65 cal Ass bike )
800m run
100 lunges
80 squats
60 burpees
40 synchro sit ups – feet linked / clap at top yeah yeah
20 pull ups / Ring Rows
800m run
1km row ( 85/65 cal Ass bike )
*Meters / Reps do NOT have to be shared evenly.
*Hold the standard, this is to be repeated so shave reps to your own demise, priorities ROM
*Any reps left remaining, add on in seconds ( 100m = 1 second on row / run )
If you finish everything bar 400m of final row , your score would be : 27.04
*FFS crew have priority to rowing machines