15th July 2019
WOD WOD, July 16, 2019
Magical Unilateral
AMRAP in 12 for quality :
50m SA Farmers carry
5-10 Strict pull ups (unbroken set)
50m SA FR carry
10-20 Push ups (unbroken set)
50m SA OH carry
*you pick the carry weight
50m R, 50m L
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
16 x SA DB box Step Ups ( open standard ) 8/8
16 x SA DB PP – Same DB ( 8/8)
8 x DB Devils Press ( alt arms ) 4/4 same DB
Rx : 22.5/15kg / 24/20" Box
*Every 3 Minutes : 50 x Dubz including 0
DB : Reduce Load
Dubz : 100 x singles
Group stretch woth coach
Inch Worm walk outs
Bear Crawls
Rolling sit ups
Shoulder Taps
B) Move into Unilateral Strength component