3rd February 2020
WOD WOD, February 4, 2020
Dirty 30’s
TGU – skill session/body priming
10 Minute AMRAP for quality
Alt sides Turkish get-ups
*Weight: slight increase to last 2 weeks, or, the same
* Record load and total reps for reference not for competition
Metcon (Calories)
In teams of 3:
Max Calorie bike in 9 minutes on a 30 second rotation
P1 : Bike
P2 : DB Hold
P3 : Rest
REST 3 Minutes
Max Calorie ski in 9 minutes on a 30 second rotation
P1 : Ski
P2 : KB FR Hold
P3 : Rest
*Each team mate will have 6 efforts to accumulate total cals
*Can not start bike / ski until Hold is set
*Reward the pacer ( 60 second interval )
Rx :
KB / 20/12kg x 2
b) TGU Tech