7th April 2019
WOD WOD, April 8, 2019
15 Minute open cap – Open play time
3 Skills to work on :
1. Rope Climb – 2 assents at chosen level ( legless etc )
2. L seat from Paralettes / Tuck – accumulate 30 seconds
3. Handstand holds / wall kick ups – 10 x Kick Up attempts
Complete required amount of volume on each movement before progressing to the next.
Plenty of rest, plenty of bants, plenty of fun!
Metcon (Time)
Crossfit – For time – 18 Minute cap
400 m x run
25 x HSPU – kipping
50 x KB swings 24/16kg
100 x DUbz
50 x KB swings
25 x HSPU
400m Run
HSPU : 1 x Ab mat / Open style / Push Ups
KB : Reduce Load
Dubz : 50/200 x single
Stretch with coach
B) Movement demo an options