2nd April 2019
WOD WOD, April 3, 2019
Skill + Grace
Snatch Play
3 Pos power Snatch (Weight)
Above knee
Below knee
Below knee
Every 2MOM x 7 Sets, Building
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
9 x Power Snatch 52.5/35kg
9 x Strict HSPU
35 x Dubz
RX PLUS : 60/40kg
Snatch : Reduce load to something under 3 pos
HSPU : 1 x Ab mat / open
standard / Push Up
Dubz : 20 Reps / 70 x Singles
*Pls dont drop thin bumpers
Finisher 3 sets:
30 Second passive hang
15 x Banded scap pull apart